Thursday, February 4, 2016

Super Bowl Sunday, What Team is Obama Rooting For ?

After the president's propaganda visit to a Baltimore Mosque yesterday that was filled with distortions and lies, here is a small dose of reality and truth in pictures.

Obama- Your Islam is a Threat to the World and Fellow Muslims

Hey Obama,

What team are you rooting for ?

The NFL Pagans get to let out what is inside them
Yo, Obama, Are you rooting for the Shiite, Drunk on Their Own Blood Team ?
or are you rooting for the Sunni Mosque Bombers and Head Cutters Team ?

They made a football out of me, those pigskin worshipers

Why would Lawless Manchurian, Hussein Obama order the Border Patrol to not do their jobs, stand down, and open the border wide for illegals and Islamic terrorists ?

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